Sunday 17 November 2013

Unit 5: Traditional Printing Methods - Potato Printing



Potato Printing is a fun way to make an easy imprint. I expect you all remember doing this when you were little. This Wednesday we are going to say good bye to the digital gadgets we are used to and pick up a Potato! That's right put down those Apple & Blackberries and lets make some art!

I will provide the spuds, card and paints, scalpels etc,  but if you want to bring anything else to print on! Go ahead!

I found out about a student called Ed Cornish from St Martins School of Art on this website- Letterology
who with a friend made the complete Alphabet using potato's. I thought it would be a great idea for all of you to make the initials of your name.

1) In preparation for Wednesdays lesson find 2 fonts on the Internet that you would like to make as the imprint for your initials.

2) Write a mini case study on Potato printing and illustrate with examples.

 1. Cut your potato in half- Draw on your letter Mirror Image! And cut around it 

2. Blot Potato with a towel

3. Brush on Paint and Press on paper!
4) When you have finished your Potato printing - Write up an evaluation explaining the advantages and disadvantages to this method compared to digital print making. 

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