Tuesday 15 October 2013

Convergence - Task Unit 5 Understanding Digital Publishing

Image from - www.wired.com

Your Task:
On a large sheet of paper (or on the computer) create a spider diagram with your own mobile phone in the centre. Using your prior understanding of key terms, such as platform, device, sector and products, you should write detailed annotations that explain how digital technology from a range of sectors is converged within your  phone (e.g. video recording, sound recording, music, games) and the advantages of this convergence many media sectors).

Convergence – What does it mean?

 Convergence is the processes where several media channels come together to exists and operate in synergy or rather in harmony.

A convergence is basically seen in every person's cell phone, glance down at your palm and there sits a device that can click a photograph, edit and modify the same and also send it like a mail. Some people like to define convergence simply by stating it to be a merger of mass media and communication outlets. In some cases multi-utility of the same gadget or some media was also attributed to be a convergence. There are countless examples that can be found and with the advancement of time and technology manufacturers of technology are engaged in a race to manufacture devices that have a maximum number of media converged within them.

When you have completed your Mindmap - Take a photo of it and upload the image to your blog. Make sure you are explaining your examples in detail and using media terminology.

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