Thursday 24 October 2013

Unit 5: Learning Outcome B1 & B2 - 'How to guide to Blogging'

Unit 5. Aim B.1: Understand use of digital publishing technology and techniques
Unit 5. Aim B.2: Digital Tools to import materials

In tomorrow's lesson you will all present your Prezi powerpoint 'How to guide to blogging'.

Remember for a Pass grade or above you will need to have a clear step by step guide for a computer user who has no idea how to set up a blog - Imagine you are teaching a younger sibling or parent who is not up to date with blogging.

  • How to set up a blogger account - gmail
  • How to select and choose a template
  • How to add a 'Header' and Profile Pic
  • How to add a Post
  • How to add JPEG files to your blog and Posts
  • How to link HTML files to your blog (Prezi Links)
These Blog elements should all now be illustrated on your own blogs to show the rest of the class!

Best of Luck!
Miss Mordle

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